Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 20th is A Day to Remember

What a day this has been!!!!

- President-Elect Barack Obama became President Barack Obama. That was a huge celebration in our house. I can honestly say that I haven't been this excited about a president since Ronald Regan and my excitement over President Regan was as much to do with the fact that it was the first election I ever voted in as it was the man himself. As exciting as that experience was for me, this experience was so much more.

- We had another celebration in our house as well. 10 months ago today, Lili was placed in my arms and has been with us ever since. This celebration tops the President Obama celebration.

- Another celebration occurred this afternoon when I received my FBI clearance in the mail. The 2nd set of prints were a winner and our home study can now be completed and should be on it's way to USCIS shortly. We are that much closer to submitting our dossier and officially be on the waiting list for a baby girl.

I wish I could say that today was all celebration, but we have had another set back in completing our dossier. I discovered that the notary commission on our physician's letters expire 4/2/09. All our documents are notarized and the notary commissions need to be good for at least one year. Of all the documents, this is probably the worst. Not only does the doctor's office only have one notary, but now I have to find a way to get a notary to the doctor's office, when the doctor is available to sign the letters. I have my work cut out for me on this one and will be spending time tomorrow trying to make some headway in solving this problem.

Regardless, this was overall a really good day that I will remember for a very long time.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Hurray on the fingerprints and so sorry about the notary. If it's not one thing its another. And a big hurray for Obama!!! What an exciting day for our country!