Friday, May 15, 2009

Inspiring Stories

As long as I can remember, I've been impressed and deeply touched by those people who move themselves and their families from their home to a foreign land because they feel their purpose in life is much bigger than than the life they have been living. Over the years I have wondered if I would ever have the inner strength, commitment and desire to make such a life changing decision? I guess that question was answered in 2006 when I made the decision to adopt :-) After all, what person in their 'right mind' would decide to adopt in their 40's, with 3 grown children already? LOL!!!!! Adopting Lili is certainly at the top of my list for the biggest and most life changing decision I've ever made and yet hearing of people who leave their homes and jobs to go open and run an orphanage or build and run a medical center in a foreign land still amazes me.

Today, someone shared a link to a story about a couple in Ethiopia who decided that they wanted to make a change. I hope everyone will take time to read their story.

My little life changer. One of the best decisions I've ever made.
Even with icing on her face.


Vanessa said...

I so know what you mean!! Since adopting my daughter from Guatemala I have been back to do mission work countless times and i'm trying to make arrangements for me and my three kiddos to live there for 4-6 weeks next summer!! Adoption can open your heart to a while new world!

Parent Coordinator said...

What an inspirational story! Thank you for sharing.