Monday, July 20, 2009

Adoption Friends

Dave, Lili and I are leaving Thursday for our drive out east to attend GAFE. We've gone to St. Louis twice to get together with other Guat families for a weekend, we went to Myrtle Beach last October for Guatoberfest and now New Jersey for GAFE. Our main goal for these trips are to provide Lili the opportunity to be with other children adopted from Guatemala and for us to visit with friends we've made along the way and to hopefully make new friends in the process.

We have the same goals when Naomi comes home and in an effort to reach that goal, I'm in process of working with some other ladies as we plan the first ever Toukoul Adoptive Families Reunion next summer. Toukoul is the orphanage that Naomi will come from in Ethiopia.

I've said this before, but adoption has opened our eyes and touched our lives in ways we never imagined. We have made life-long friends through Lili's adoption, many who have become much more like family than friends. Although our journey to Naomi has taken us down a different road, the journey is proving to be as rewarding as we meet new people and start to build new friendships along the way.

So, to all of you who I've met through blogging, on forums, chatted with via email or Facebook, thanks for being my cyber friends and I hope that one day I'm able to sit down in person with each of you for a visit. To those who I've had the privilege of meeting in person, I look forward to the day when our paths cross again.

Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.
Anais Nin


Shannon said...

Have a great time and enjoy NJ. You won't be too far from us.

Kim said...

Have a wonderful trip! I hope to be able to meet you one day as well!

Mel said...

Enjoy your trip and your get together with fellow AP's from Guatemala. That is a wonderful thing. I wished they would be a little bit more pro active over here in Germany, but once you're done with adoption, everybody seems to hide, lol. BUT, maybe it will be possible to make arrangements as well. It would be nice if AP's in our country could meet once or twice a year.....hmmmm (light bulb just came on)...
Have a safe trip, sure you will have a lots of pics coming to your bog once you're back :-)

Pizzamoma said...

Have a fantastic time. I'd like to attend one of these get-togethers too and bring Anna and the whole gang. It seems as if some who adopted from Guate are now adopting from ET so maybe there will be a Guate/ET reunion some day.
Take care,

Nicole R. said...

hi debbie... you're my best cyber friend!! and hope someday we will become in-laws!!

Parent Coordinator said...

Have a great trip!!! Enjoy it and I look forward to having our paths cross sometime soon!

Mayasan said...

love the quote!