Thursday, April 2, 2009

Suspicious Request

Guatadopt posted this on their website recently and I want to make sure all my blog friends who have adopted from Guatemala get the information.

Dear Families,

It has come to our attention that some families with children who have already been in the US for well over a year are being told by their attorneys that the CNA needs to "reveiw their case" and to submit a photocopy of their child's US Cerificate of Citizenship or their families US Passports to present to the CNA.

We are in communication with our sources and with the CNA. They have denied that any such requests have been made by them. It is a highly unusual request for children who are back in the US and it is not relavent to verification of adoption.

Please be advised that the US Certificate of Citizenship SHOULD NOT be photocopied.

Furthermore, we (Guatadopt) are a little concerned about the intent for these photocopied documents.

We will post any further developments.

The Guat Team

1 comment:

~Emily said...

Well now isnt that interesting. I really doubt that Guatemala will ever re-open. I dont think they want it to.