Friday, September 10, 2010

FFF - Picture on Her Terms

While Lili was not willing to participate in a photo shoot on her first day of school, she was more than happy to let me take a couple pictures of her modeling one of her art projects from school.

The princess now has her crown :-)

She was also more than willing to let me take her picture vacuuming the family room.
She loves to help me clean. Wonder how long that will last?

Naomi, on the other hand, is always willing to let me snap some pictures of her.

Look mom, I'm helping with the laundry.
Just hanging out looking cute.
Yep, still looking cute! Have a great weekend everyone!


Reba said...

Love all of the pictues. Both girls are so photogenic. I bet you have a lot of fun at your house!

Megan said...

Those puffs are adorable!

Debby said...

Adorable! So, glad Lili is liking preschool!!!! Hope you are getting some relief from your back pain!!!!!!!