Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lots to Celebrate

Exactly 8 months ago yesterday that we walked into Le Toukoul orphanage and held our precious Naomi for the very first time.  Exactly 8 months ago today we walked into Le Toukoul orphanage for a second time, but this time we left with Naomi in our arms forever.  In some ways it doesn't seem possible that 8 months has passed already and yet it also doesn't seem possible that she hasn't always been with us. 

If 8 months together wasn't enough, I picked up the mail and there was her Illinois Certificate of Foreign Birth.  We now have everything we need to apply for her Certificate of Citizenship!!!!

1 comment:

MommaT said...

Has it really been that many months already? Wow...you were just behind us we just hit 11 months