Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Visit Trip Plans

Liliana, here we come!!!!

We have officially made our reservations for our visit trip to Guatemala. Although we weren't able to visit during our anniversary as we had originally planned (a large convention is in Guatemala City during that time making hotel reservations difficult to come by), we are thrilled with the new arrangements. We will be leaving on October 4th for a week long stay in Guatemala. That is less than a month away :-) I got the official word from our agency that we'll be spending quite a bit of time with Lili during our trip so I'm obviously excited beyond words.

Also, by moving our trip up a month, we will get the opportunity to meet one of my very good Internet friends, her husband, and their little one face to face. After spending so much time trading emails, it will be nice to finally spend some time with one of my new friends.

During our trip we hope to visit other parts of Guatemala, especially Antigua. Over the next couple of weeks we should have more details regarding the time we'll be spending with Lili and can then put our other travel plans in place. Next month I should have a lot of information and photos to share with everyone, so stay tuned.


Cammie said...

You must be so excited! I can't wait until we are preparing for our visit!

Anonymous said...

hi debbie, i can't wait to see you guys in GC!! we should buy stock in Kleenex now before the trip and make some money!!