Thursday, August 30, 2007

A Long Weekend Ahead

Tomorrow morning, Dave and I are headed to our favorite city, Chicago! Although we plan on seeing some of the sites such as the Sears Tower and the Museum of Science and Industry, we also plan on spending a fair amount of time visiting the sites along Michigan Ave. such as Crate & Barrel and the Pottery Barn. I love touring along Michigan Ave!!!!!!!

According to my 'secret source' Lili's birth mom was to be interviewed by the Family Court assigned social worker today. Although our agency thought the interview was going to take place the same day as the DNA testing, that apparently didn't happen and I'm hopeful that it was actually done today. Unfortunately, I won't get an update from our agency again until the end of next week or the beginning of the following week. Assuming it was done, the social worker will have to write a report and hopefully we'll be out of Family Court within a few weeks. As always, I'll keep you posted as soon as I have gotten confirmation that it took place.

Since I won't be blogging for a few more days, I want to wish all my readers a safe and wonderful Labor Day weekend.

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