Sunday, February 28, 2010

Yes, I'm Officially Counting Down

Only 13 more days before we fly away!!!

I finally ordered the nursery furniture and the crib and diapering dresser have arrived. Dave assembled the dresser yesterday and I pulled the cloth diapers out of the Rubbermaid container refolded them for a little bottom and put them away. I also went through the sock and shoe container and pulled out the socks that I think will fit her. Most of them are already packed for our trip, but it was fun seeing all those little socks in the drawer. I was then able to empty the drawer out of Lili's dresser that has been housing the crib sheets and blankets and they are now resting comfortably in their new home in Naomi's dresser.

Today the crib will be assembled and the 2nd dresser should arrive this week and be ready for assembly next weekend.

I will post pictures once everything is together and set up in Naomi's room.

1 comment:

Reba said...

I'm counting down too (for you). I always thought clothes in the drawers made everything so real to me. Soon, very soon, she will be home!