Wednesday, October 31, 2007
JCICS Update
Here is the latest information from JCICS in regards to our efforts:
Through our collective efforts, the Guatemala 5000 Initiative has resulted in 203 Members of the United States Congress supporting the completion of all in-process adoptions via their signature on letters being sent today, October 31, 2007 to Guatemalan President Oscar Berger, UNICEF Executive Director Ann Veneman and UNICEF Guatemala Director Manuel Manrique. The 203 Senators and Representatives represent the largest number in the 22 year history of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption and the first time the Coalition has addressed UNICEF.
Joint Council thanks the thousands of adoptive families and their friends who made calls, sent faxes and emailed their Congressional representatives. We also extend our considerable appreciation for the efforts of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute for their tireless efforts, to the National Council for Adoption for their support and to the Co-Chairs of the Congressional Coalition, Senator Mary Landrieu, Senator Norm Coleman, Congressman James Oberstar and Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite for their vital leadership.
The text of the letters along with all signatories will be available on Friday, November 30 2007 on both the Joint Council and CCAI websites. It is our continued hope that these letters will result in the development of a legal, transparent and expeditious process by which the thousands of children currently in Guatemalan orphanages and foster-care will find their permanent, safe and loving family.
As we have stated many times, Joint Council will continue our advocacy on behalf of the Guatemalan children until each child needing a family has found one.
In an effort to address the current Guatemalan adoption crisis, the Co-Chairs of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption, Senators Norm Coleman (R-MN) and Mary Landrieu (D-LA) today sent two separate letters – one to Guatemalan President, Oscar Berger, and one to the leadership of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - to encourage an interim measure for pending adoption applications. To read the official press release from Senators Coleman and Landrieu, please click here.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Six Months
So, happy birthday precious Lili. Mommy and daddy will be back soon.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Here's to Making New Friends
Our next event is scheduled for tomorrow and we're doing something that I absolutely loved as a kid. We're having a wiener roast!!! The rainy weather over the last couple of days had me a little concerned that we might get rained out, but now the sun is shining and tomorrow is predicted to be a picture perfect wiener roasting kind of day :-)
So, to all you parents out there who have or are adopting, I strongly encourage you to find a group you can connect with, not just for the sake of your children, but for the support and adult friendships you may make along the way.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Want to Know What Kind of Shoe You Are?
You’re a Fun Flip-Flop! Much like the flip-flop, you’re laid-back, casual, and comfortably chic in style and substance. Always ready to head out on the fly, you have a grab-and-go approach for everyday excursions yet never disappoint when it comes to whipping up fashionable alternatives for snappier occasions. In all, your life’s-a-beach outlook keeps you prepared for fun in the sun—whether it’s sandal season or not.
I'd have to say this pretty much describes who I am. I'm a flip-flop!
Click on the link above to find out what kind of shoe you are. After all, who doesn't want to know what kind of shoe they are?!!!
Also, if you would like to share, please post your results in comments.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Time For the Monthly Update
Weight: 13 lbs 8 ozs
Length: 25.75 inches
She sits up with help, she rolls over, she laughs. She is presently enjoying complete health.
Although she only gained 10 ozs and 3/4 of an inch from August to September, she is still growing and her foster mom told us that they were going to start her on solid foods this month. Therefore, we are expecting her next medical report to show a more significant weight gain.
We know from visiting that she is definitely healthy and developing well, so no worries!
The Thrill of Living in a Rural Area
While driving home on a Central Illinois country road, I came over a small hill and there in the middle of my lane was a skunk. I had two choices to make:
1) Try to avoid the skunk, which would have most certainly caused me to wreck my van.
2) Hit the skunk, which would most certainly cause a terrible stinch in my van.
I chose #2, but may have opted for #1 if my insurance deductible wasn't $500.
Wow! Will the smell ever go away? I kept my van windows open all weekend to air it out, but the smell is still there. It's just this constant reminder of how I took the life of an innocent creature, just minding his/her own business on a Thursday night.
The sad thing is that this isn't the first skunk I've ever hit. Several years ago a skunk ran from the tall grass into my lane and under my front tire. What's even more ironic is that my sister and I had just been talking about how terrible it is to hit animals and I had said that hitting a skunk is the worst. I will never again have that discussion with anyone!
If someone out there has suggestions on how I can get rid of the smell, please let me know. And to Mr/Ms Skunk, sorry!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Visiting Antigua
Friday, October 19, 2007
More Visit Trip Info
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Now I've Been Tagged
1) Waitress
2) Teacher's asst. for Primary Multiply Impaired students
3) Administrative Asst
4) Call Center Rep
Places I have lived:
1) Tacoma, WA
2) Thousand Oaks, CA
3) Morton, IL
4) Delavan, IL
Food I love:
1) Mexican
2) Thai
3) Indian
4) Italian
Places I would rather be:
1) Guatemala
2) Hawaii
3) On a cruise
4) On a beach just about anywhere
Movies I love:
1) Sleepless In Seattle
2) Dirty Dancing
3) Erin Brockovich
4) The Borne movies
TV Shows I Watch:
1) Dancing with the Stars
2) American Idol
3) Ellen
4) Today Show
Books I Love:
1) Not much of a reader, but am reading Barack Obama's books right now
2) Have also read several adoption related books
3) Will have to read Adoption Nation now that Nora has recommended it
I'm tagging Polanks. You're it!
Early Morning Post
And yes, for those wondering, I rarely put her down.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
We're Finally in PGN
Some Good News from Guatemala
Grandfathering in cases....the intent is "official"
President Berger publicly confirmed the intent to grandfather current cases (I assume this means the 3700 cases that are REGISTERED). The Guatemalan press reported this with a statement by Berger:
"I have never said that I want to stop adoptions. What my government wants is full respect for the legislation that is about to be approved and full compliance with the Hague (Convention)."
The Guatemalan Press also reported the following:
Congressman Rolando Morales, one of the proponents of the new legislation, said that the intention with the pending adoptions is a full review to verify the identity of the woman that is relinquishing the rights on the child, that she is the natural mother, and that the child is given for adoption without coercion, and verify that the child was not abducted (stolen babies). Morales also mentioned that the final version of the new Adoption Law which will be published in the following weeks will not affect the almost 3,700 processes in the pipeline.
These changes (even if they delay the process a few days) are in the best interest of everyone in the process, specifically our main concern, the children.
Fortunately, the U.S. already requires DNA testing be completed at the beginning of the process to determine that the mother relinquishing the child is in fact the biological mother and a 2nd DNA test is required to verify that no switching of babies took place during the process. The social worker interview that is conducted during the process is in place to help determine that the bio mother was not coerced into relinquishing her child. Therefore, steps are already in place on both the U.S. and Guatemala side to address these concerns.
We are feeling more hope now that our case will continue to be processed and Lili will come home.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Lili's Post
Poppa says I look Italian in this picture. Apparently it has something to do with the way I'm holding my hand.
I really liked after bath time. In the evenings mommy would put my jammies on me, then daddy would put some music on and mommy and I would dance around the room. I love music and dancing with mommy.
Check back for more updates later.
JCICS Update
Since Joint Council's call to action on September 27th, thousands of adoptive parents along with Joint Council Member Organizations, our colleagues at the National Council for Adoption, Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute, Adoptive Families magazine and the public at large have lent their support to the Guatemala 5000 initiative. We are pleased to provide you with the attached summary update including our most recent direct communications with the Office of Guatemalan President Oscar Berger. On behalf of the children we serve, our heartfelt thanks to all who have contributed to the collective effort. Please know that Joint Council will continue to update you on our ongoing efforts and all pertinent developments. As events unfold, we may be calling upon the entire community for support and action. Lastly, please know that Joint Council will continue the Guatemala 5000 initiative until all children referred with adoptive parents have joined their forever family.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Part III of Visit Trip
Sunday, October 14, 2007
More About Our Trip
On the first day of our trip, we left Chicago at 6:00 a.m. via Ft. Lauderdale with about 4 hour lay over before flying to Guatemala. Our flight left Ft. Lauderdale on time and was due to land in Guatemala City at 3:26 p.m., however, we circled the airport several times before finally landing a little after 4:00 p.m. Since I knew our foster family was bringing Liliana to us at 5:00, I was getting pretty anxious to land, get through customs, and get our luggage. Getting through customs was a breeze, but then we had to wait for our luggage. We did arrive at the hotel about 10 minutes before 5:00 and were checked in an in our room at 5:00. The bellman took our bags up for us and began showing us everything in the room when the phone rang. It was our foster mom's daughter letting us know they were in the lobby. I almost physically kicked the bellman out of our room and ran to the elevator. The excitement was almost more than I could stand and when we spotted them in the lobby and they handed Lili to me, all the emotions I had been experiencing for the last few months quickly ran to the surface and the tears started. Of course I hadn't brought any tissue with me because I wasn't expecting to begin crying. Fortunately, Lili's foster mom quickly made me feel comfortable and we sat in the lobby visiting while Dave and I passed her back and forth between us. Lili just smiled the whole time.
About a 1/2 hour later the 3 of us headed to our room and the phone rang again. It was my friend Nicole checking in. After several months of emailing and calling each other, we discovered that we were on the same floor and only a few doors apart from each other. A few minutes later Josh and Nicole and their little guy Sergio, were at our door and we headed downstairs to dinner. Sitting down enjoying dinner and conversation with our new friends while enjoying our baby girl is a memory we will forever hold dear.
That's enough trip information for now as I know you are all anxiously awaiting more pictures of Lili. So, here she is!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Home Again
We also got to spend time with Sheny's children. They are wonderful as well and it is very obvious how much they also love Lili. She is a little sister to them and I know it is going to be very hard for them to say good-bye. Dave and I will do our very best to make sure Lili continues to be part of their lives, even though it may be primarily through emails, letters, and photos.
During our trip we were able to finally meet some email friends. Here's a shout out to Josh and Nicole as well as to Greg and Cammie. They are also adopting very precious babies and it's nice being able to share our journey's together.
I'll post more information about our trip over the next few days, but wanted to get some pictures posted as I'm sure that's what you have all been waiting for.
Mommy sure does love her baby girl!!!!
Keeping watching for additional trip information and photos.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
One Last Note Before We Go
We will have some computer access while we're gone, but I have no idea if time will permit me to do any blogging. I have a feeling I might be busy :-) Don't worry though, when we return I'll have plenty to blog about and thousands of pictures to share.
In the meantime, I am still asking everyone to do what that can to support Guatemala 5000. You can read more information at and/or read my blog entry from September 27th. Dave, Lili, and I thank you for your support.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Fun and Touching