You Are a Cranberry and Popcorn Strung Tree |
Christmas is all about showcasing your creative talents. From cookies to nicely wrapped presents, your unique creations impress everyone. |
Okay, my biggest talent is shopping. I'm able to find all kinds of fun things to put on the tree and around the house at Christmas. I would be interested to find out what kind of Christmas Tree you are though?
I am the same kind of tree as you! :)
It will probably not surprise you to know that I am a "traditional" tree.
Another cranberry and popcorn strung tree here!
I am also a Traditional Tree, no surprise to me either. What a fun little quiz.
I am a traditional tree. I like that.
***You Are a Tinsel Tree***
For you, Christmas is no different than the rest of the year.
And this means you do things your own way - and continue to surprise people.
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