Friday, December 21, 2007

Want to Know What Kind of Christmas Tree I Am?

You Are a Cranberry and Popcorn Strung Tree

Christmas is all about showcasing your creative talents.
From cookies to nicely wrapped presents, your unique creations impress everyone.
Okay, my biggest talent is shopping. I'm able to find all kinds of fun things to put on the tree and around the house at Christmas. I would be interested to find out what kind of Christmas Tree you are though?


Reba said...

I am the same kind of tree as you! :)

Anonymous said...

It will probably not surprise you to know that I am a "traditional" tree.

Cammie said...

Another cranberry and popcorn strung tree here!

Kim said...

I am also a Traditional Tree, no surprise to me either. What a fun little quiz.

Gail said...

I am a traditional tree. I like that.

Anonymous said...

***You Are a Tinsel Tree***

For you, Christmas is no different than the rest of the year.
And this means you do things your own way - and continue to surprise people.