Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ryan - Wish I Had Good News

Ryan is still in the hospital. The doctor increased one of his seizures meds yesterday and even after the increase his med level has continued to drop. As a result he ended up having 7 seizures within a 3 hour period this morning. Not the best way to get released from the hospital. I've requested that the neurologist make a big med change by taking him off one of his meds and trying another. Ryan's body just can't seem to handle this one medication. Either he has seizures or his balance is so bad that he can't walk without assistance. Just not good. The problem is, Ryan has tried just about every seizure med ever made. I think we're down to one more choice at this point. Again, just not good.

Despite the bad news on Ryan, there is always good news to be found which helps balance things out a little bit for me.

On the good news front I know of one family who passed court in Ethiopia today and there have been some referral announcements. None of the referrals came from our orphanage (at least none that I'm aware of), but it is good news none-the-less.

Hopefully I'll have nothing but good news tomorrow.


Kelly said...

Wishing for nothing but great news for you tomorrow. Hang in there.

Parent Coordinator said...

Looking for some good news regarding Ryan. Hang in there!

Pizzamoma said...

We are sure hoping for some good news on all fronts.

Reba said...

I do hope you have good news soon on ALL counts!

gigglechirp said...

Thinking of you and hoping that Ryan responds well soon to med adjustments/changes.