Saturday, February 16, 2008

Let the Preparations Begin

I've decided that I need to keep a positive attitude in place regarding Mixco birth certificates and stay focused on the very real possibility that in as little as 5 weeks we may be traveling to Guatemala on our pick up trip. So, what does one do while they wait out those last few weeks before their little one comes home? Well, I clean! I'm now in the mode of trying to stay one step ahead of everything in preparation for having a little one in the house again. As a result, the Spring cleaning and organizing has begun. For a matter-of-fact, as I post this newest blog entry, Dave is in the basement putting shelves in one of the closets and next weekend we hope to have shelves in under our basement stairs for more storgage space. We've thrown out 2 boxes of stuff this afternoon and I'm going to start tackling closets next week. Reba (Cloud Chronicles) reminded me of how much more difficult it is to get all those little things done when you're busy being mommy. So, I figure if I can get everything done over the next few weeks, I will have a good month of clean and organized after Lili gets home before everything goes down hill. The only reason I can even say I'll have a month is because Dave is taking 4 weeks of infant care leave. Once he's back to work, it's all down hill from there :-)

So, wish me luck on my cleaning spree. I love a clean and organized house and it may be the last time it's really clean and organized for several years :-)


Gail said...

Have fun cleaning!! We both need something to keep us occupied during this waiting.

Parent Coordinator said...

Cleaning is always a great distraction. Have fun and enjoy the preparations. Debbie, I also wanted to thank you for your support and I hope to be posting more positive news at the end of the month.

Reba said...

Good for you, Debbie! I really wish I had done more cleaning and organizing early on (though even with three, it wasn't easy to do). It will help your time pass while you wait, and you can just breathe that sigh of relief. I do hope that pink comes super quick for you.

Kim said...

I can smell the clean all the way to MN. Can you come and help out at my house? It sure is nice to have things organized. I'm hoping they speed things up in Mixco for you.