Monday, February 25, 2008

Monday Hodge Podge

I considered not posting anything until I actually have further word on where we are in this "long" process, but who knows when I would post again if I continued waiting. However, I do hope to get some sort of update today and if I do, you'll get at least 2 posts for the price of one.

Now you're probably wondering what I'm going to talk about today and for the most part it's going to be a hodge podge of information.

Hodge Podge #1 -
I did get a milestone update on Lili Friday. She's crawling!!!! Yes, it was a little sad to hear that I missed yet another milestone, but she is almost 10 months old now and the fact that she's crawling means that she is still developing well. I know that some babies come home at 9, 10, or 11 months of age barely able to sit up by themselves, so to know that she's mobile is a good thing. This also means Dave needs to get serious about a cabinet for our electronics (DVD players, VCR, etc.)

Hodge Podge #2 -
Questions regarding gifts for Lili have also started coming my way and since I've been buying things pretty consistently since getting her referral in June, I decided to sit down to figure out what things we really want/need. Because I wanted to have one list I decided to use Amazon and created a baby registry which is now included as a link on my blog page. If you scroll down below the pictures on the right hand side of the page you'll see the link. I will probably add a few more things over the next few days, but at least I can now direct people to the baby registry which makes it a bit easier for me at this point. Obviously, nothing has to be purchased via Amazon and again this was just a way for me to keep a list in one place for those who ask.

Hodge Podge #3 -
Being from a small midwest town (population of approx. 1300), there just isn't that much diversity. So, you can imagine how excited I get when I find out about any family in our area who has adopted or is adopting internationally. A few months ago I found out about a family in a near-by town who adopted 3 children from Ethiopia, there is a family down the street with two girls from China, and my blog put me in contact with another family in our little community that are in process of adopting from China. Well, I'm sure you can imagine my excitement when I found out last week that there is another family here that just received the referral of two little boys from Ethiopia. That is now 4 families in our little town and another family just a few miles away that have adopted or are in process of adopting internationally. While that may not seem like a lot, that's huge for such a small community and I love seeing that people are becoming more open and willing to love and accept the newest members into our little community. It is awesome to be a part of this.

Hodge Podge #4 -
A couple weeks ago I started some serious Spring cleaning. So far I've gotten two rooms and closets done, Dave has put shelving in one of the basement closets and is working on a second and I now have food products sitting all over my kitchen counters trying to figure out the best way to organize my pantry cabinet. With that said, I'm going to get back to it as I'm sure no one wants more detail on that project :-)

1 comment:

Kim said...

Sounds like you are making yourself busy while waiting on the BC. That is great news that Lili is crawling!