Monday, November 9, 2009

Dinner in Chicago

After our visit to the museum on Saturday we decided to make our way to Navy Pier for a short visit before dinner. For those who live in Chicago or visit Chicago you know that parking can be a challenge and 'expensive.' On top of that, it was around 70 degrees in Chicago which meant that EVERYONE was at Navy Pier. We drove around looking for a place to park and the only parking we could find nearby was $17 for 0-1 hour. At this point we didn't even have an hour to spare and Lili had fallen asleep, so we made the decision that it just wasn't that important that we go to Navy Pier. Since we were going to dinner in an unfamiliar part of Chicago, we decided to head that direction. I'm really glad we did since it gave Lili time to get in a decent nap before dinner.

Dinner was at a restaurant called Ethiopian Diamond. Dave, Lili and I had not had Ethiopian food since our visit to Dallas over the summer and I was really looking forward to it. My sister-in-law and her daughter had never had Ethiopian food, so it was going to be a new experience for them. The other exciting part of dinner is that a fellow Ethiopia AP/blogger, her husband and son were meeting us there for dinner. I have been following her blog for several months and their son was in Toukoul which is where Naomi will be living until we go pick her up. I was very excited to finally be meeting my cyber friend Meg and her family. We had a lovely dinner or as lovely as a dinner can be with a 1 year old and a 2 year old in tow :-) We had good conversation and Meg's little guy Sammy, is just as cute as can be.

I wanted to get some pictures of Meg and I so Dave took a couple for me. Unfortunately, Sammy was a little fussy and his daddy had already taken him to the car, but next time we'll be sure to include him in the photo op. Thanks Meg, Gregg and Sammy for joining us for dinner. It was wonderful to finally meet the family that I have gotten to know via the wonderful world of blogging.

1 comment:

Mike and Laura George said...

Cool! Meg was in Ethoiopia the same week we were (actually, I think she was there for a month or something??)

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