Saturday, November 28, 2009

On the 27th Day of Christmas

I hope everyone had a wonderful, family filled Thanksgiving.

We had family arrive from the Dallas area on Wednesday and they are now on their way back home. I'm always a little sad to see them leave. We have such a great time and the visits seem so short. Our niece and her husband are currently waiting on their referral from Ethiopia. It's exciting to think that next Thanksgiving we'll not only be celebrating with Lili and Naomi, but also a new little niece or nephew.

Now Thanksgiving is over and our attentions are turning toward Christmas. 27 days folks! On the 27th day of Christmas I have yet to purchase a gift. I did not participate in "Black Friday" activities. Thanksgiving at our house is busy and with family here we tend to stay up late playing games and/or visiting. Getting up a few hours later to stand in the cold, force my way through crowds and then stand in line to pay just isn't appealing to me any longer.
With or without 'Black Friday' shopping, we'll have a great Christmas this year.

Here are some Lili photos from the last couple of days.

We put all the food out buffet style in the kitchen, fill our plates and move into the dining room for our meal. Lili's was served first and decided to do the taste test before digging in. You know, put your finger in the gravy and taste before eating :-)

Notice Lili's red cheeks? She started running a little fever. No other symptoms at all, just the fever. I finally remembered that she had gotten her MMR the week before and the side effects sheet mentioned a fever, rash, etc. etc. could occur during this time period. The fever is now gone and still no other symptoms so my educated guess in the shot.

Lili taking a picture with her invisible camera.

Just trying to get a good picture of Lili. She really wasn't into getting her picture taken though.

Until she posed like this and then she wanted me to take her picture. LOL!


Michelle said...

Her hair is getting so long! Glad you guys had a good Thanksgiving.

MommaT said...

Looks and sounds like everyone had a great holiday back to the grid waiting for court dates, passing and prayer is that you get yours ASAP so you can travel with us!!