Sunday, November 25, 2007

Post Thanksgiving

The last of our Thanksgiving company left bright and early this morning and our house seems very, very quiet now. It was wonderful spending time with family over the Holiday weekend and now we have to get back into the swing of things which is always a little hard to do, but at the same time it's nice getting back to our normal routine.

On Thanksgiving we were also honored to receive a visit from our friends who recently returned from Guatemala with their little boy. He is an absolute cutie. They also brought us some gifts from Guatemala that we will forever treasure. Our foster mom also sent some gifts including Lili's footprints on shoe cutouts that they had done for us. What an awesome gift! Once again, proof of what a wonderful and thoughtful foster family she has.

I spent very little time on the computer until this morning when I was able to check my email as well as the groups and forums I read on a regular basis. There were several families announcing that their cases have been completed in PGN and they are now on the last leg of their journey. What's even more exciting is that some of the cases that are now exiting PGN were submitted the first week of October. Since we were submitted on October 16th, it could be just be a matter of days to a couple weeks before we are also out of PGN. I will call PGN again this week to check status and am hoping that we haven't been given a previo and am very much hoping that we have made it to the desk of Senor Barrios for final signature. Even better news would be that we are out of PGN, but considering they just started signing off cases from the beginning of October, I'm not going to get my hopes up. Stay posted for more updates this week.


Anonymous said...

Yes, debbie please call PGN this week!!!!!

Reba said...

Debbie, I have been thinking about you and thinking it is about time for your OUT. :) I hope you hear something in the next few days!

Cammie said...

We're crossing our fingers for you that it happens very soon! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm saying prayers...and crossing my fingers...that you will soon have Lili home with you.

nora said...

Its definitely your turn to get out. I bet you have an early out as an Christmas present. That would be great!

Hoping you have a great January with Lili home!