Monday, January 25, 2010


Of course I'm biased and think that we have the smartest and most talented little girl in the entire world so I must share the talents of our daughter via pictures.
As you can see from the photos, she is coloring. Do you notice anything in particular about her coloring though?

Here, take a closer look at the picture. Do you see it now?

Yes, she's beginning to color in the lines!!!!! She won't 3 until the end of April and she is already starting to color in the lines. I'm so proud.

Granted, she is coloring the giraffe purple and the pig has a blue/green nose, but I'm sure that's nothing more than a sign of great artistic vision. Or maybe it's just the fact that she's 2 and likes those colors.


Reba said...

I am impressed. She colors better than a lot of kids (older) I know. I have just been thrilled that Joshua colors the "whole" picture...we are not close to that!

MommaT said...

Way to go! That is awesome!!

MommaT said...

Way to go! That is awesome!!

Parent Coordinator said...

Very impressive!!!!!!!!!! Continue to support creative expression :)